- Didattica
- Insegnamento
- Insegnamento in inglese
- Settore disciplinare
- SECS-P/08
- Corso di studi di riferimento
- Tipo corso di studio
- Laurea Magistrale
- Crediti
- 8.0
- Ripartizione oraria
- Ore Attività Frontale: 48.0
- Anno accademico
- 2022/2023
- Anno di erogazione
- 2023/2024
- Anno di corso
- 2
- Lingua
- Percorso
- Docente responsabile dell'erogazione
Descrizione dell'insegnamento
Nessuno in particolare
The Digital Marketing course aims to provide students with the fundamentals of marketing and the main theoretical and operational tools to: a) understand the effects on marketing processes deriving from the introduction and diffusion of new digital technologies; b) plan and implement digital marketing strategies; c) develop and implement communication strategies via the Internet in various areas through the so-called digital media (such as, websites, e-mails, virtual social networks); d) monitor the effectiveness of these strategies through specific tools and metrics. The course also involves students in practical application of the concepts, in the form of case studies and group assignment.
Students will acquire basic disciplinary knowledge and the main theoretical and operational tools to: a) analyze the content generated by companies by users on digital media and b) plan a marketing and digital communication strategy. At a more operational level, students will learn the peculiarities of the main digital channels and the tools to measure the effectiveness of communication on these channels. The knowledge and skills acquired will be useful for the specialization in digital management and the training of managers and professionals able to develop digital marketing strategies and evaluate their effectiveness.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding, students will be able to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyzes of content generated and / or shared by companies and users via the Internet, as well as to develop digital marketing communication plans and strategies. In terms of independent judgment, they will be able to evaluate the adequacy of a digital marketing plan and the effectiveness of the different digital communication techniques. In terms of communication skills, they will master the tools of online communication; they will also know how to elaborate texts and adapt languages according to the channel used and the cultural context of reference. In terms of learning ability, they will be able to acquire the basic theoretical and practical elements of the discipline and will be able to explore specific topics independently.
As regards transversal skills, at the end of the course students will have the ability to: a) apply what they have learned to real situations; b) make judgments independently (for example, regarding the effectiveness of a digital marketing strategy); c) working in a group, knowing how to coordinate with others and integrating their skills, in order to jointly solve concrete problems; d) develop ideas, plan and organize their implementation (for example, regarding a digital communication campaign).
Frontal lessons, with discussion of practical cases, seminar activity, individual and / or group exercises.
The teaching materials will include:
1) Lecture notes in the form of power points provided through the University's online platform formazioneonline.unisalento.it;
2) Reference texts;
3) Readings and further in-depth material indicated and made available during the lessons.
For attending students
- First part of the exam in the form of group work (weight 50%) - during which students' ability to work in a team, independent assessment and solving concrete problems will be verified, applying the knowledge acquired during the frontal lessons, in compliance of the indications and deadlines provided by the teacher. Each team work will be evaluated in 30ths; the average of the marks taken on these works will constitute the mark of the so-called First Part of the exam.
- Second part of the exam in the form of a written test (weight 50%) - during which the learning ability of the theoretical and practical elements of the discipline will be verified. This verification will take place through six open-ended questions concerning both theoretical notions (for example, conceptual definitions and / or classifications, technological and marketing characteristics of tools and techniques) and practical problems (for example, marketing problems to be discussed, strategies to be developed o tools to be used based on realistic scenarios). In this way, students will be able to demonstrate the disciplinary knowledge and skills acquired. The written test will also allow students to demonstrate their ability to argue, in a schematic and structured way, their judgments, evaluation, ideas and action plans. This test will last 45 minutes; the mark will be expressed in 30ths and will constitute the so-called Second Part of the exam.
For non-attending students
- First part of the exam in the form of a written test (weight 50%) - to replace the group work, non-attending students will have to take an ad hoc written test, lasting 45 minutes, which will constitute the First Part of the exam. It will be in the form of six open-ended questions regarding the topics covered in the in-depth readings indicated by the teacher for this specific exam test and provided via the University online platform formazioneonline.unisalento.it. This material will provide at least part of the information and tools used during group work.
- Second part of the exam in the form of a written test (weight 50%) - which will be common to that provided for attending students.
The final grade derives from the arithmetic average of the marks obtained on the two parts of the exam, provided that both are at least equal to 18 / 30th. The vote obtained on each one of the two parts is maintained in the following exam sessions.
The Course is divided into the following two modules:
I) Marketing principles and digital marketing strategies - in which the basic concepts and main phases of the marketing process will be introduced. The new digital technologies, the characteristics of the new digital media and the consequences for consumers, businesses and their environment will be described. In addition, the main stages of the planning process of a digital marketing strategy will be illustrated, leading to the definition of the marketing mix levers.
II) Digital marketing communication - in which the planning process of a communication campaign through the main digital channels will be described; the main techniques for monitoring the effectiveness of such communications will be illustrated. With particular reference to social media, the main methods of communication will be illustrated; the process of planning and executing the communication strategy through these channels will be described. Finally, the main analyzes and metrics useful for evaluating the effectiveness of communication campaigns through these means will be described. These analyzes and metrics will concern marketing and linguistic aspects, as in the case of the analysis of the effectiveness of content (for example, text mining) and language (for example, sentiment analysis).
In addition to the teaching materials indicated by the teacher and made available through the online platform of Ateneo formazioneonline.unisalento.it, the following volumes are recommended for the study of the course:
1) Chaffey D. and Ellis-Chadwick F. (2016), Digital marketing: strategy, implementation and practice, Harlow (UK): Pearson.
2) Tuten T. L. and Solomon M. R. (2018), Social media marketing, London (UK): Sage.
Secondo Semestre (dal 26/02/2024 al 31/05/2024)
Tipo esame
Non obbligatorio
Orale - Voto Finale
Orario dell'insegnamento
Mutuato in